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hip muscles

Check your Hips for Back Pain

Having back pain is miserable, and not knowing why you might have back pain can be frustrating. Often in treatment people focus purely on the back muscles, and getting very little relief. This may be because they are focusing on the wrong muscle groups that may be causing your lower back pain. In some cases the hip flexors may be causing your low back pain

Staying Healthy

Staying healthy during a pandemic

Staying Healthy

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Exercise to keep you mind and body healthy

Just a month ago we would have never thought that we would have our restaurants, gyms, and places considered “Non-essential” closed.  We would have thought nothing about going to places with others, shaking hands, giving hugs, and touching our faces.  It’s a different world.

These changes create confusion, stress, and fear.  These are unhealthy emotions,that can put a toll on your body.  This can leave you susceptible to illness.  The confusion that we are faced with is, “What can we do about it?”

As a medical provider, it is our duty to try to help our community, even during a time of pandemic, through education and service.  This is the main reason we remain open and available to our community.  Our job is to help you keep your body healthy, which can in turn help keep a healthier mind.

One of the foundations of physical therapy is to optimize the body’s own ability to heal itself.  This is done through exercise and keeping the body moving.  Exercise keeps the body strong and has a benefit of releasing endorphins that can help reduce stress and improve mood.

While our office has all the tools and equipment to provide an excellent exercise program, there are many exercises that can easily be done at home with guidance.   If you are dealing with pain or discomfort and can’t exercise at home, we have created a sanitized environment in our office for you to safely exercise under guidance.

Do you have questions about what you can do at home to exercise?  Fill out this form and one of our staff will contact you to go over different options and programs to keep you healthy.

Governor Ducey Executive Order

As a healthcare provider, we fall under this mandate and will remain open and continue to serve our patients.  We are following all of CDC’s recommended guidelines in order to provide a safe and sanitized environment for the treatment of our patients. 

Total Sports Therapy is Growing!

Total Sports Therapy is excited to announce we will be opening a new location in Glendale!

Since 2006, opening our doors in Cave Creek, we have grown to serve Phoenix at our Moon Valley location and North Phoenix at our Tramonto/Anthem location. We built our growth on the foundation of personalized, hands-on orthopedic physical therapy and great customer service.

Over the last few years we have been looking at potential locations in the Northwest Phoenix area and have found a great location and will begin building it out this March. Dr. Cory Tatman, physical therapist, will be our Clinical Director for our new Glendale location. Many of our patients at our Cave Creek location are familiar with Dr. Tatman’s quality of care and commitment to serving his patients. Be on the lookout for updates and Grand Opening!

How to exercise during pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy

Exercise during Pregnancy

by Robin Malanowski, PT, DPT

Research shows that exercise during pregnancy provides numerous health benefits including decreased pain, improved function of the heart and lungs, faster postpartum recovery, decreased insomnia, and gestational weight management. Current recommendations state that women who are pregnant should perform moderate, low-impact exercise 150 minutes a week.

High-Impact Activities and Adverse Outcomes

Average pregnant women who engage in high intensity exercise prevent excessive gestational weight gain, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and even postpartum weight retention. This may also lead to better fetal outcomes (i.e. decreased risk of adult obesity, cardiovascular risk factors, and other chronic diseases). There is no significant association between vigorous exercise during pregnancy and preterm birth, unplanned C-section, low infant birth weight, or IUGR.

Diastasis of the Rectus Abdominus Muscle

Abdominal separation occurs when the tissue connecting the abdominal muscles stretches/thins. In pregnant women specifically, this separation results from a combination of core weakness and mechanical stress caused by fetal growth and organ displacement. Pregnant women should pay close attention to their core—especially when performing strenuous activities.

Exercise Adaptation

During pregnancy women experience numerous changes—belly size being the most predominant. These changes often require activity modification and occasional suspension. For instance, lying prone (on one’s stomach) should be discontinued until after birth. Another example is switching from jump squats to sumo squats to decrease impact and belly strain. Good form is perhaps the most important aspect to performing any exercise. If expecting mothers feel confident in their perinatal training and have no adverse responses to their exercises (vigorous or otherwise), then they may continue to perform those exercises throughout gestation. Above all else, women must listen to their bodies; if an activity causes pain or discomfort, then changes should be made.

What to Avoid

Women who are pregnant should avoid exercising in hot/humid climates; they should seek environments and wear clothing that permit adequate ventilation and cooling and ensure core temperature regulation. Pregnant women should also refrain from playing contact sports, doing activities that increase fall risk, and performing the Valsalva maneuver.

Warning Signs

Expecting mothers should be aware of the various signs that they are exercising too much. Signs include, chronic fatigue and feeling abnormally hot, dizzy, dehydrated, and/or weak. Vaginal bleeding or fluid leakage, chest pain, pain or swelling in the calf, and abnormal/painful uterine contractions are all major warning signs and warrant immediate consult.

If you have more questions about how to exercise during pregnancy, contact Dr. Malanowski at our Moon Valley clinic.  She can be reached at 602-843-8486.