Total Sport Therapy takes most insurance plans. If you plan is not listed below, please call to confirm as we add new approved insurances often. Here is Total Sports Therapy’s List of Approved Insurances (Printable Version)
Current List:
- Aetna (All Plans)
- APIPA, Care 1st/CareOne, Maricopa Care Advantage, Maricopa Health Plan
- American Care Source Network
- Arizona Foundation for Medical Care (All Plans)
- Arizona Physicians IPA (APIPA)
- Banner Healthcare
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield (All Plans)
- Choice Care Network
- Cigna (All Plans, Including Medicare Advantage)
- Definity Health Plan
- First Health
- Fortified Provider Network
- Galaxy Health Network
- Global Medical Management
- Golden Rule
- HealthNet (All Plans, Including Medicare Advantage and Ambetter)
- Humana (All Plans)
- Integated Health Plan
- Lifeprint (Formerly Secure Horizons)
- Medicare
- MEDRISK Worker’s Compensation
- National Preferred Provider Network
- National Provider Network
- Phoenix Heath/Choice Plan
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
- SCF of Arizona – Worker’s Comp.
- Three Rivers Provider Network
- Tricare and Triwest
- United Healthcare (Including all Advantage Plans and AARP Plans managed by UHC)
- University Physicians Care Advantage
- University Physicians Healthcare Group
* Please call to check with us if your insurance is not listed. We will work with you any way we can to be your physical therapy provider. Cash pay patients also accepted.
Updated 1/1/2017.