Total Pediatric Physical Therapy offers pediatric physical therapy to Cave Creek, Carefree, and North Scottsdale area. Pediatric physical therapy services helps evaluate and provide treatment for children from infants to teenagers. Total Pediatric Therapy provides one-on-one care provided by Katie Prenovost, PT, DPT ensures that every patient is provided with the best quality pediatric physical therapy care. Visit Total Pediatric Therapy's website to stay up to date about their pediatric physical therapy services.

What is Pediatric Physical Therapy?
Pediatric physical therapy is a specialized service that has a different approach than with our adult patients. It addresses conditions specific to younger patients that experience developmental delays, congenital defects, and orthopedic conditions.
Our approach is to work 1-on-1 with the child and have constant dialogue with parents/caregivers regarding the care. We also spend a lot of time engaging with pediatricians in the community to educate them on what types of services we can provide.
What are common conditions treated by Pediatric Physical Therapy?
There are many conditions that our Pediatric Physical Therapy can treat. Here is a short list of conditions that we treat:
✔ Autism Spectrum Disorder
✔ Torticollis
✔ Head shape concerns (Plagiocephaly, Brachycephaly, Schaphocephaly)
✔ Developmental Delay
✔ Gait abnormalities (toe walking, etc.)
✔ Balance/Coordination deficits
✔ Prematurity
✔ Generalized strengthening
✔ Orthopedic and sports injuries
✔ Asymmetries
✔ Scoliosis
✔ Congenital diagnoses
✔ Developmental disabilities(Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Autism, Spina Bifida, Muscular Atrophies)